Welcome to Texas Health Providers


medicare provider, upper Respiratory, geriatrics, Cholesterol, Diabetes

Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in Hollywood, FL

When you show symptoms of pregnancy and your pregnancy test is positive, you should visit your doctor for other tests such as ultrasound and blood tests. Ultrasound is a harmless, non-traumatic, and at the same time highly informative diagnostic method that helps to formulate a diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment.

A specialist doctor from Texas Health Providers will tell you which steps you must take during pregnancy to maintain your health and the health of the baby. You can choose your gynaecologist from our healthcare clinic at the 24-hour reception and get an online text or phone consultation.


What is Ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a medical diagnostic method that shows the internal structure of your body and creates an image of it by using high-frequency sound waves and examining the reflection of these waves.

In ultrasound, a device called an ultrasound probe is used, which sends ultrasound waves and receives its echo, and a computer translates and converts the ultrasound waves into an image. A trained specialist or doctor can see, measure and diagnose the internal structures of the body. The radiologist then examines, reads, and writes a report on these images to help diagnose your health and disease conditions.

Purposes of ultrasound

Nowadays, expectant parents can show a photo to friends and acquaintances even before the birth of their child. This is possible thanks to the ultrasound. Images of the unborn baby are then made using sound waves.

There are various reasons to make an ultrasound during your pregnancy. For example, you may want to check whether your baby’s heart is beating early in the pregnancy, but your obstetrician may also send you for an ultrasound.

But not only the gynecologist uses this technique. The ultrasound machine allows doctors to look internally at your organs without the need for surgery or the risks of X-rays.

At Texas Health Providers you will receive an ultrasound at your own request, such as an early ultrasound to determine whether your baby’s heart is beating or to determine the gender of your baby. You may also request our doctor for a medical ultrasound to see if your baby is growing well or to determine where the placenta is.

Preparation before ultrasound

This modern diagnostic method “Ultrasound” does not have a negative effect on the body, therefore it is approved for use even in pregnant women, children and the elderly. Currently, there is no confirmed information about the dangers of ultrasound, so the frequency of its use is not limited. Compared to many other imaging modalities, ultrasound is minimally time-consuming, patient-friendly, requires little preparation, and provides accurate and clear results.

Doctors from Texas Heslth Providers often order ultrasound along with blood tests as the first line of diagnostic and testing procedures for our patients. Our doctors will tell you if there are any special instructions you need to follow before your ultrasound.

Our equipments and methods used for Ultrasound

The department our Texas Health Providers is equipped with the most modern equipment, which provides research:

  • With the maximum resolution achievable at the present stage;
  • Using color and power Doppler mapping;
  • Duplex scanning of main and peripheral vessels;
  • Significantly improve the quality of the image, and consequently, the reliability and accuracy of diagnosis.


During the ultrasound procedure, the emitter is constantly moved in the affected area. Oils or gels are applied to the skin in the affected area, the ultrasound head is installed in the projection of the affected organ and smoothly moved in a circular motion without leaving the skin. So, we use the following methods and technologies for ultrasound of the:

Services we Provide

Providers build personal relationships with each patient to help them resolve even the most stubborn health concerns.