Welcome to Texas Health Providers

Primary Care Specialist

medicare provider, upper Respiratory, geriatrics, Cholesterol, Diabetes

Primary health care covers a wide variety of different treatments and services, and a great primary care doctor will help you lay the foundation for your family’s health for years to come. No matter how old you are, what medical care you need, or what kind of medical advice you seek, your primary health care provider can guide you and offer basic treatment. If you need general medical care, a medical check-up, or have concerns about your health, you can usually seek care or guidance from our Texas Health Providers in Dallas TX.

In some cases, you may be referred to a specialist for more specific treatment based on your needs and condition. No matter your age or history, you can be seen by our primary care physicians at all Texas Health Providers in Dallas TX. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the location closest to you.

Primary Care

What is Primary Health Care?

When we think of the center of the health system, the first thing that may come to mind is that it is a place where you can treat your diseases. Well then, what primary health care is looking for is exactly that it is not necessary to treat diseases.

In other words, primary health care is a set of services and strategies at the national level aimed at promoting people’s health in such a way as to reduce the incidence of disease. Primary health care tries to prevent the most common diseases in the country in question.

Primary Health Care is a strategy that comprehensively conceives the health-disease problems of individuals and of the social group, through the integration of assistance, disease prevention, health promotion and rehabilitation.

Primary care is based on the appropriate use of available resources and gives priority to social needs, decentralization and optimization of services. It favors geographical and administrative accessibility, avoiding long queues, waiting or complex procedures. It is a high-impact care intervention with adequate resources and in search of maximum effectiveness.

Available services with primary care

Primary health care is all those policies and services that are offered to the population in order to promote their health, but are not carried out within hospitals. We are surrounded by primary health care and, despite the fact that it is headquartered in primary health care centers, the state protects us and promotes our health day by day.

Primary health care always keeps you healthy, and it is your first point of contact with the health system. Your care will be coordinated by multiple service providers to provide you with the best care and to help you and your family stay healthy and avoid illness. Primary care services offer several options to help you on your health journey, such as:

You can avoid many serious health concerns by choosing the right primary health care. Your Texas Health Providers provides stays up to date with your general health conditions and helps guide medical interventions you might need in the future. As your primary care provider in Dallas TX Texas Health Providers helps you build and arrange a reputable medical history that can be helpful for precisely addressing medical concerns as they develop over time. Primary care physicians from our primary care clinic provide a broad spectrum of services, such as:

The primary health care proposes an organization of health services by different levels of care, which must have the participation of the community to solve problems through accessible, high-quality, continuous and comprehensive services.

What conditions can primary care address?

The first level of health care within the framework of primary care can solve more than 80% of the population’s health problems by addressing them in an interdisciplinary way, within the family and social perspective.

In this way, general hospitals for acute care and specialized hospitals can focus on their specific function: care for patients who require services of a higher level of complexity. Texas Health Providers has ample practice treating and diagnosing various complications and conditions, such as:

Customer Service Commitment

Texas Health Providers works hard to meet the needs of our patients. Our clinic has many key patient satisfaction factors including access to care, the time our medical providers spend with patients, the patient’s trust in the provider, nurse and support service, and the experience in general.

Our primary care clinic uses the electronic medical record system, which is integrated throughout all of our facilities and physician offices. That means you don’t have to worry about sending your medical records to us.

Whether it’s a blood test, MRI, office visit or consultation, our primary care physicians, as well as the specialists at Texas Health Providers have access to all your medical information in a single, secure medical record when required. This is especially important for our patients who receive care from our multiple doctors and services. This seamless electronic medical record system means faster, safer and better medical care for you and your family.

Choosing Texas Health Providers for your family’s primary care means peace of mind. Our primary care physicians are among the best in their profession. We offer convenient appointment scheduling, with same day appointments.

Services we Provide

We want to be a sought-after and respected primary medical facility, providing clients with high-quality and safe health care. A hospital with high quality regional and supraregional health services, provides acute 24-hour care in the fields of