Welcome to Texas Health Providers


medicare provider, upper Respiratory, geriatrics, Cholesterol, Diabetes

Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in Hollywood, FL

No matter if you’re battling sinusitis, a common cold, or the flu, your days of sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing will soon be over with compassionate care from Texas Health Providers Partner in Hollywood, Florida. The friendly medical group offers diagnosis, prevention, and treatment for a range of upper-respiratory conditions, so you can feel better as quickly as possible and get back to what really matters. Protect your airways and respiratory system by calling Texas Health Providers to schedule an appointment with a team member today. Alternatively, you can request one online.


What is a physical?

Vaccinations or immunizations are medical injections that help protect you from infectious diseases. Immunization refers to the process of being vaccinated and eventually developing immunity to a disease over time.

Vaccinations are an excellent preventive care method. Vaccinations use dead or weakened versions of viruses or bacteria to prepare your body to fight an infection without exposing you to symptoms of the disease. The goal is to stimulate your immune system to produce white blood cells called lymphocytes and proteins called antibodies to fight the foreign invaders.

Why would I need a physical?

Your Texas Health Care Provider might recommend a physical exam to:

Your provider might perform a physical before an upcoming surgery or before treatment for a medical condition.

How can I prepare for a physical?

If you prepare effectively for your physical, you know you’re getting the most out of your time with your provider. Before your physical, it’s helpful to gather certain paperwork or information, such as:

Wear comfortable clothing and avoid excess jewelry or makeup that could get in the way of your exam.

What does a physical exam involve?

Your physical exam begins with an in-depth consultation with your provider, who also checks your height, weight, pulse, and inspects your body for any unusual marks or growths.

If necessary, your provider might examine your abdomen and other parts of your body, assessing the tenderness, consistency, location, texture, and size of your organs.

Your Texas Health Providers uses a special instrument (stethoscope) to listen to your heart’s rhythms and evaluate how your heart is functioning. Your provider might use a stethoscope to listen to specific organs like your lungs or intestines.

Blood work might also be necessary for your provider to fully evaluate your blood sugar levels, cholesterol, inflammation, and other important factors of your health.

You deserve the benefits of modern medicine and physical exams. Call Texas Health Providers or use the convenient online scheduler to request your appointment today.

Services we Provide

We want to be a sought-after and respected primary medical facility, providing clients with high-quality and safe health care. A hospital with high quality regional and supraregional health services, provides acute 24-hour care in the fields of